Creating a Basic WordPress Shortcode

Creating a basic shortcode is very simple. I will walk through each step and explain what is going on.

First off, all code will go in your current theme’s function.php file; optionally you could create a plugin just for this with the modifications minimal to the existing code. I will be using Notepad++ (Mac: Smultron) as my editor and Cyberduck to upload the files.
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Vehicle Service Record

UPDATE: Check out the updated version that also tracks mileage here.

I got my truck for Christmas last year and it’s had a few problems since day one. I want to be sure I log everything I do so when I go to sell it I can prove this is how much it is worth and that it was well taken care of.

In order to log this I created a workbook in Excel and started logging everything I do to it, and I thought I would share it here with you.
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